Book Review: Shift

I recently finished the book Shift by Brian Haynes I have been putting thisoff for a while in order to finish some other books that I have committed too. It took me a total of three days to finish the book. The four day snow day that we had was a huge help, but before I started to read I had already saw some blog posts on the book itself. I truly loved the what Brian had to say in his book. I thought that it was a great resource in trying to reach families for Christ. Shift is not a book that when they use there own terminology you get lost in the translation. They devote a whole chapter in explaining there terminology so when they use it you fully understand what they are talking about.

Here are some of my favorite things that was in the book: The first chapter when Brian was talking to his mom and she asked her boys what scripture verse have they taught there kids? Wow!! I loved the mission statement that they had for there church it was simple, but had a focus in where the church wanted to go. I loved the Idea of setting up milestones in a child’s life because when you think of it when you are raising your child the doctor has a set of milestones that the child should be doing by the time he reaches a certain age such as: getting dressed by himself, knowing colors, potty trained, can feed themselves and so on. This book give you a practical ways to reach families, but it also gives the parents ways in order to celebrate the milestone that they just reached.

Every time I read books with such a focus my thought sometimes goes to people in our church who might not have kids or even the singles in the church, but the way they do the milestones in the book this is for everyone in there walk with the Lord which I thought was great because in the end you have to have a place to reach everyone in your church and this book gives you that great resource.

I have enjoyed reading the book shift and I am excited about reading Brian’s new book called “The Legacy Path: Discover Intentional Spiritual Parenting”

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